Face it chief; regardless of the process and issues, there will always be people who will not be pleased with all of your decisions. That being the reality, once the most appropriate course of action emerges from a solid and credible process, have the...
Articles & Manuscripts
Focus on Leadership…Don’t be Deceived by the Stars on Your Collar!
Our agencies are led by some of the finest and most ethical persons in our society. Unfortunately, a very large and troubling percentage of police chiefs and sheriffs are woefully lacking in the leadership skills required of their positions and, worse yet fail,...
Focus on Leadership…Implementing Troublesome Guidance
Dealing with the implementation of troublesome guidance can be pretty tough, and often involves walking a difficult tightrope between organizational loyalty on one hand, and maintaining personal integrity and credibility on the other. The recommended approach...
Focus on Leadership…The Unproductive Police Executive
The unproductive police executive is a critical, often neglected topic. In far too many instances, marginal performance on the part of a long-tenured police executive is seen as an acceptable norm. Considering the critical need for exceptional leadership, strong and...
Focus on Leadership…Safe Advice vs. Legal Advocacy…Ignore That Advice…Sometimes!!!
Does your department have the wrong person permanently assigned to the wrong position as a result of legal advice that you now question? If so, you are in good company. To one extent or another, most agencies are burdened with a similar festering situation that may...
Focus on Ethics…Expectations of a New Law Enforcement Officer
All law enforcement administrators have struggled with the issue of determining the degree of culpability of a new law enforcement officer who has been involved in a disciplinary matter while acting under the guidance of a senior officer. Considering the tenuous...